Puma Energy Foundation: Massion Du Rugby - PEF
Apprentis D'Auteuil, Senegal
(Programme concluded - the Foundation no longer supports this programme)
In Yoff Town, in the capital city of Dakar, the foundation Apprentis d’Auteuil partners with Maison du Rugby, an association that keeps kids off the streets and equips them with hard and soft life skills. Activities at the centre are free and include computer science, music, theatre, pottery and private tutoring. The focus is on rugby, which takes up 4.5 hours per week. Playing rugby is having a broader positive effect on children’s behaviour by introducing them to environmental issues and helping them improve their school results.
Key Achievements
Apprentis d’Auteuil is committed to help vulnerable young people and provides access to quality education. Thanks to Puma Energy Foundation’s funding, 30 youths benefitted from 2 year-long vocational training schemes in reputed centres, learning about plumbing, electricity, car mechanics, cooking, hotel hospitality and sewing.